Monday, 23 December 2013

Storm right before Christmas?

Yup yesterday from  2-7 ish we had a black out. Where I live, the day before, at about 5 it was raining bad and the rain turned frozen which caused a black out. The rain turned to ice the elictrical poles wires were so heavy from the ice on them that the wires fell.

Two more days till Christmas is here

So happy there is only 2⃣ more days till Christmas Day not counting today.
But counting Christmas Day

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Twist into a bun

This hair style is so nice and cute when I wore it I got so much complements. 
I just love this hair style.

Question of the day

The question of the day is if you do celebrate christmas do you have you christmas tree up or do you only hang your stockings?
The answer for me is yes I do have a christmas tree up.
To answer this question you can comment down below and submit it.

Count down

Christmas count down now there is only three more days till christmas.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Questions of the day

Today's question if the day is what is one thing you want the most for christmas if you could only choose one thing? I would say maybe gift cards to stores.

Count down it is almost christmas

Now there is only four yup only four more days till christmas so happy.     !!

Friday, 20 December 2013

Christmas count down

I am so existed now there is only 5 days till christmas on December 20 2013.i am so happy I wounded what I got.

Question of the day

So I just told you guys how to answer it so here I go.
The question of the day is what do you celebrate do you celebrate christmas hanukkah or another celebration.
My answer of the question of the day is I celibate christmas.

Starting something new

On my blog I divide to start doing questions of the day week month. And how it works is I ask you guys a question and I will answer it first then you guys can answer it by making a comment

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Count down, keep Christ in Christ ...mas

Today is Thursday December 19. Now there is only six days till christmas.
Some people writes x mass for sort form for christmas. And I do not get it like if you want to write christmas in short form the least I am asking you guys to do is put a letter that acutely represents Jesus. But like put christmas because some people forget what christmas actually means......................

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Christmas count down

If you guys were wondering right now o. December 18 2013 there is only. 7 days left till Christmas.

Christmas excited

Hi every one Christmas is right around the corner lets party. Ok so I am very existed about Christmas I am so happy ok bye guys I am going to put up my family's Christmas tree up right now bye.

Sunday, 17 November 2013


Hi so I made a Video on YouTube and please follow me and like or comment on it please.
To find me on YouTube type in cornrowsjustforme in the search section them go to Chanel then that is me and please follow me like my videos and comment.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Bat man symble

Hi so for Halloween. I was a girl version of batman.
I made my costume out of a batman / batgirl top I already had  and I got a pink sparkly tutu to go with my costume and I just put some tights underneath my tutu so I would not get cold.
But what I did to my hair now that was cool. I did a batman symbale from cornrows it was hard to dived but once I got it then it was easy.then I cornrowed that pice. Then with the hair left I divide it in half then for the bottom part I just did normal cornrows. At the top part of the section I just did 4 cornrows.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Be understanding

Hi to anyone who in there class or knows someone from another country who is new and trying to learn a new language. Well all I can say is be nice to that person and to be understanding.  

A chocolate penny

Hi guys I bet all of you have all saw a one dollar in chocolate. Well have you ever seen a penny in chocolate when there is no, penny's well I eat a (chocolate) penny.

Festival time being silly

So I went to this festival and I was being silly and wanted to get a pic of me and this tall guy. Ha look at my face.

At the same festival I saw this cool act he was juggling
cool glow sticks.

My first time getting a Henna done

A couple weeks ago I went to this festival near by. Then I saw a henna sign and then my mom asked  "me if I want to get one?" Then I said "yeah sure." When the lady was done getting it I was soooo happy I loved.

Cross country time yah

Ok hi evry one in cross county I got 69 out of um about 200 and some thing so yeah . If you did not know last year out of 100 people or some thing I got 51.
Oh I have some good news too my cousin she got 11th place out of 100

{sorry I have no pics for this}

Meet the teacher night

Hi so at my school there is a night when you meet your teacher with your parent just so your parent knows how you are doing in school . So anyway for meet the teacher night with my hair I pulled it straight back into 2 piggy tails. If you were wondering why or how my hair is a bit cruelly in this pic well that is because for my first day of school it was curly ,and then it turned into waves. But for meet the teacher night I took the cornrows out because they were getting messy .

First day of school

Hi so this is the hair style I did.
You will need...
A dividing comb
Hair cream to smith flyaways
And wet hair or damp

 Ok so now scince you know what you need to do this hairstyle
let's start , first I divide a little box on the left but you can also do it
on your right too. Then I divide about 4 cornrows then before I even
started to do cornrows I put my hair cream to smoth flyaways. Then I
started to do my cornrows. When I was done doing my cornrows then
I curled my hair by parting it with my dividing comb in a lot of small
buns then in the morning I took all the small buns out [your hair has to
be damp if you are going to curl your hair.] That is all it is a nice simple hair style.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Pics of my hairstyles on a video

Hi guys I promised you a video so here it is hope you enjoy.

Through back hair style

 This is a very simple and an easy hairstyle all you need to do is divide ear to ear so that you will have 2 sections. Then comb thought the top section and put it in a ponytail. Just let the bottom section hang free.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Instagram account

Hi just wanted to tell you guys, that I have a  Instagram account and you guys can follow me like my pics and much more . My username is 51swag there is no capitals or spaces hope you guys like my account.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Just warning

Hi just warning you guy I am going to post a video soon on YouTube. I will tell you guys when it is coming out. I hope you guys will like it it is of me sining /rapping.

Monday, 3 June 2013

My hair grew

 I am so happy today after school I checked to see if my hair grew
And now it is 19 and a half inches witch is 50 cm long.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Hair cut time

Hi a couple weeks ago i got a hair cut.
The hair dresser only cut of the dead
ends so about 1-2 inches.
Last time I checked my hair was 15 inches Long.
 My hair grew a little bit since I got my hair cut.
Now my hair is down to my belly button.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Cross country number 5⃣1⃣


If you were wondering what I got in cross country. I got 51 out of like  either 97 or something to like 100. The reson why I did well let's say not the best but not the worst, is because first I had to run 4-5 kilometers. I swear if it was one more minite I would of even fanted even one of my friends was like " are you okay you look like you are gona faint". So yeah that's how cross country. But on the other Side I did get 51.

Show you some pictures and some videos soon.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Cross country


Hi just me again vc and just wanted to tell you guys that i am going to cross country may 14th sory for such a lat notice i just found out a day before the cross country.
So wish me good luck with my cross country team.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

I got a tutu


Here are some pictures of me rock'n' my tutu.

Just having fun being a kid and myself

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Hi just me Victoria crystal just wanted to say happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
So happy Mother's Day!



Hi a couple weeks I went shopping and got a mini hermonica it is so cute, awesome so happy I had a great day today.

Criss cross cornrows


This hair style is very cute I got lots, and lots of complements from this hair do.
All I did was parted the top of my hair into a square.
Then parted it in half, then I parted the 2 squares in half into 2 triangles. Then I did criss cross cornrows leaning on the right side of my face.
Then on each side I did 2cornrows.
I'm not sure about you but I love this hair styles.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013



Just having fun doing a head stand.